Financial Literacy Innovation Award


First presented in 2016 as a special recognition of Experian’s innovative approach to using social media as a consumer education tool, the award was institutionalized in 2017 as the Innovation Award. Generally not given for a single program, the Innovation Award recognizes organizations with innovative and exciting new approaches to financial literacy and education.

Rod Griffin and the team from Experian accepting the first award in 2016.

Selection and Presentation

Recipients of the Financial Literacy Innovation Award and other Jump$tart honors are selected by a committee of national Jump$tart Coalition Board Members and prior honorees.  Awards are presented at the coalition’s Annual Awards Luncheon, the pinnacle event of Jump$tart’s Financial Literacy Month celebration each April.

Past Winners

2023: Singleton Foundation
2022: Pockets Change
2020-2021: Discover and Discovery Education
2019: Visa
2018: Funding the Future
2017: PwC
2016: Experian