Help us get effective financial education into every school in the country, starting with yours. Have you checked your school?
Designed for teachers; available to all. Comprehensive, content-based financial education – interactive, online, and free.
Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill introduces the Congressional community and others to the great work of our Partners. Free and open to the public.
Search the premier online database of curated financial education resources for students and adults.
Download a free copy of the 2021 National Standards for Personal Financial Education, co-published with our partner, CEE.
The Jump$tart Coalition includes a network of independent state coalitions operated predominantly by volunteers.
The only national conference dedicated to financial education in the classroom and the talented professionals who teach it. Teachers attend for free.
Jump$tart was the original promoter of April as Financial Literacy Month and remains the most ardent supporter of this national public awareness campaign.
Students, what type of lifestyle do you see in your future? What kind of income will you need to support it? Are you ready… or are you in for a reality check?