Educator Resources

Take Action! Learn more about bringing Financial Education to your school.

Educators, you are vital partners in teaching and inspiring kids to learn about money!

Your expertise and passion are the driving forces behind effective financial education.

We are here to help. The Jump$tart Coalition and our community of supporters offer curated financial education resources, professional development and training opportunities, along with the support of a teacher network like no other.

Through Jump$tart’s Teen Teach-In events, we also offer educators an innovative way to cement their high school students’ knowledge of personal finance by turning them into “teachers for a day” in local elementary classrooms. As an added bonus, the accompanying earned and social media campaigns also offer some much-deserved recognition to educators like you, who are helping to prepare the next generation to navigate their financial futures!

Want to join fellow educators in promoting effective financial education? Here are a few ways to get involved:

National Standards

National Standards

Download your free copy of the National Standards in Personal Finance Education.

Learn More

Classroom Resources

Classroom Resources

Find curated financial education resources for all grade levels.

Jump$tart Clearinghouse

Professional Development

Professional Development

Looking to learn more about personal finance yourself? Check out this free online course.

J$FFE Online

Reality Check

Reality Check

Can you afford the adult life you imagine… or are you in for a reality check?

Take the Quiz



Already teaching personal finance? Join us at the National Educator Conference, an all-scholoarship event for teachers.

Jump$tart NEC



Sign-up for the Jump$tart Newsletter


Teen Tech-In

Teen Teach-In

Ask your child’s teacher to participate in the Jump$tart Teen Teach-In as part of a larger conversation about the need for effective financial education.

Learn More

Facebook Group

Facebook Group

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Jump$tart Teachers Creating #AFINLITFUTURE

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Contact Us

Contact Us

Connect with Joel Chrisler for further assistance.

Email Joel