Jump$tart Partner Announcements in Financial Fridays

A new feature of our weekly e-newsletter designed to support the great work of our national coalition partners.

Share Your News!

Jump$tart National Partners: This is your opportunity to share announcements with Financial Fridays subscribers across the country and we’re offering this to you as a Jump$tart Coalition Partner Benefit.  We hope you will utilize this platform to inform our readers of financial literacy resources, information, and opportunities that you have made available to them.


Announcements must be submitted by active Jump$tart Partners about their own initiatives or initiatives that they sponsor or partner on. Partner announcements may promote new products and programs, upcoming events, offerings and opportunities, new research findings, and similar initiatives. Announcements must be relevant to our financial literacy mission, must have an element of timeliness, and must be of broad, general interest to our diverse, national audience.


  • The Financial Fridays editors will accept announcements of up to 50 words, written by the Partner.
  • Announcements must include a link to a website or social media page for more information.
  • The announcement or link must contain contact information, as Jump$tart will not be able to field questions regarding partner initiatives.
  • For this section of the newsletter, please do not submit graphics or other attachments . The announcement section is intended for “bulletin” types of announcements.
  • All Partners have a separate opportunity to be the Financial Fridays feature article, which is longer and may include links and graphics.


Financial Fridays is distributed via e-mail every Friday morning, except for Good Friday, the Friday after Thanksgiving, and the last two Fridays of December. On some Fridays, there will be an a.m. and p.m. edition, but the Announcement section will remain the same for both the a.m. and p.m. issues. Financial Fridays is cross posted on our website and social media, but may not be posted online immediately. Partners should consider that in timing their announcements.

Repeat Posts

Jump$tart will re-run Partner announcements in a consecutive or non-consecutive week, if the Partner specifically requests this. Otherwise, the announcement will run once. We will run the same announcement one additional time. We will run a new announcement about the same event or initiative with new and/or materially different information. Please direct any questions to the Financial Fridays editor.

Editorial Policy

To help ensure accuracy, announcements must be written by the Partner; however, Financial Fridays staff may edit the announcements for length, clarity, and editorial policy. Announcements are subject to general Financial Fridays editorial policies. The Partner Announcement section of Financial Fridays does not accept:

  • Job postings.
  • Requests for funding, donations.
  • “Evergreen” content.
  • Announcements submitted by indivituals or entities that are not national Jump$tart Coalition Partners.


E-mail your announcement to Jump$tart’s newsletter editor Marissa.Walsh@jumpstart.org and/or our general e-mailbox info@jumpstart.org. Announcements must be received by close of business (ET) on Wednesday for publication on the following Friday morning. Additionally, new announcements cannot be submitted more than one week in advance.

Thank you for your help in promoting financial literacy through communication, collaboration, and support for effectiveness in financial education by sharing your announcements with our nation-wide stakeholders.

Financial Fridays

Financial Fridays: DECA

January 31, 2025

New Announcement!

January 10, 2025

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2024

Financial Fridays: NFTE

November 8, 2024

Financial Fridays: SFEPD

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