Jump$tart-Affiliated State Coalitions

A network of independent, grassroots, nonprofit coalitions that tailor their financial literacy efforts to the needs of their own states.

Hover over a state to see the state name. Click on the state to visit the website for that state coalition.

About our State Coalitions

While the Jump$tart Coalition was founded as a national coalition, the need to collaborate and communicate on financial literacy issues at the state level quickly became apparent.

Some of the earliest state coalitions were formed from existing organizations or cooperative efforts; others were formed when state and local entities contacted the Jump$tart Coalition to ask for assistance in getting started. Today, Jump$tart-affiliated state coalitions operate in nearly every state — and most of them operate as “grassroots” volunteer efforts without full-time permanent staff or facilities.  These state coalitions are independent nonprofit organizations, each with their own boards and bylaws, connected to the national Jump$tart Coalition through an affiliation agreement.  Many of them are tax-exempt through national Jump$tart’s group exemption.

Most of Jump$tart’s affiliated state coalitions use the Jump$tart name and brand, but a few do not.  A few have extended some reach beyond the student demographic.  Each carries out its mission through a unique mix of activities and initiatives to serve all consumers in the state.

Learn More

If you are interested in joining a Jump$tart state coalition, use the map to find one in your area and contact the coalition directly.  For additional information and assistance, please contact Variny Yim, Director of Partner and Affiliate Relations.

State Coalition Leaders with Laura and Variny 2024
State Coalition Leaders at Jump$tart Coalition’s 2024 Financial Literacy Month events.

State Coalition Toolkit

An online toolkit of resources and tips to help Jump$tart State Coalition Leaders operate and manage their coalitions. This page is password-protected. If you are a State Coalition Leader, please reach out to Variny Yim to get a password.