Exhibitor Experience
The Jump$tart National Educator Conference is designed to support and appreciate personal finance teachers from across the country; but, equally important is Jump$tart’s commitment to our Partners and other providers of financial education resources. Through #JumpstartNEC, we hope to provide you the opportunity to meet and interact with the educators most interested in what you have to offer, as well as a chance to network with fellow financial literacy stakeholders in a fun and collaborative environment.
Dedicated Exhibit Hall Hours — that don’t compete with other sessions or events — help to ensure maximum traffic to your exhibit and opportunities for exhibitors and educators to interact. This year, Exhibit Hall hours will be separated by grade level on Sunday to allow more teacher with teachers! And speaking of traffic, our veteran exhibitors generally recommend planning for more than the 375 teacher attendees — because so many of them are looking for “extras” to take to colleagues back home.
We hope exhibitors will join us for the entire conference — or as much of it as possible. Before and after the Exhibit Hall sessions, our meal events and plenary sessions are great opportunities to network informally with your users and our community of collaborators.
For questions and other assistance, please contact our conference director, Dan Hebert. Exhibitor registration is discounted for national Jump$tart Coalition Partners.