By Dr. Barbara O’Neill, CFP®, AFC®

Money Talk: Financial Planning Seminars and Publications (Money Talk) was established by Dr. Barbara O’Neill, CFP®, AFC® in 1992. The mission of Money Talk is to write, speak, and review content about personal finance topics. Over the past 30 years, Dr. O’Neill has provided financial education content development services for over 50 clients through a wide variety of freelance writing, speaking, and editing assignments. Dr. O’Neill is also the author of the recently published book Flipping a Switch: Your Guide to Happiness and Financial Security in Later Life.

Headquartered in Ocala, Florida, Money Talk provides “as needed” financial education content development services for public and private organizations. When groups have a grant-funded financial education program, a one-time special project that needs completion, or a workload that exceeds their current capacity, Money Talk can help them to get the work done.

Projects for clients have included the development of white papers, test questions, blog posts, lesson plans, radio shows, website and social media content, textbook chapter material, brochures, newsletter articles, curricula and facilitators’ guides, program evaluation summaries, webinars, and live financial education presentations for consumers and professionals.

Money Talk has also been hired to review and revise personal finance curricula, review and revise financial education curriculum standards, and serve as a subject matter expert/technical editor for television shows, trade books, and text books. It has been a Jump$tart Coalition partner in 2020. Previously, Dr. O’Neill represented Cooperative Extension on the national Jump$tart board and served for over a decade on the board of the NJ Coalition for Financial Education.

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Follow Dr. O’Neill on Twitter at @moneytalk1
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Financial knowledge is power! Visit the Money Talk website for information about Dr. Barbara O’Neill and samples of podcasts, webinars, and conference presentations that she has recorded and articles that she has been interviewed for.

Contact Info
Dr. Barbara O’Neill, Owner/CEO, Money Talk

If you are at the NEC, come check out Jump$tart’s booth where we are featuring our interactive social media wall and info about our Clearinghouse!

Reminder: Partners and State Coalition Leaders – Don’t forget to place your nominations for the 2023 Financial Literacy Awards before November 10. For criteria and nomination info please visit here.